Top 20 Savage & Classy Captions for the Men and Boys
- Make yourself comfortable.
- Find me where the worst things are.
- Don’t be soo easy, let people understand you.
- Don’t depend too much on anyone.
- Don’t let people about your move.
- Don’t lose yourself for the sake of temporary feelings.
- People with status don’t need status.
- Broken heart is needed to be stronger.
- Something big will happen soon.
- I am the worst thing ever happen to you if you poked me badly.
- 100% Savage 100% Classy 1000% Stylish.
- Never tell anyone about your next move.
- Only great minds can afford a simple style.
- Even god sees your efforts then decides to help you.
- Save your best move until it’s time.
- See Rejection as a Redirection.
- I am not afraid to walk this world alone.
- True men never let his girl down.
- Wear your attitude before clothes coz it decides your place.
- Your secrets have to be in secret.